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Introduction to the US Army Ammunition Management System

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Structural Organization:

A – The Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Headquarters of the Department of the Army – ODCS Directorate typically conducts the roles of the following:

  1. Assigns responsbility to Army Staff (ARSTAF) contingents to oversee policy adherence, planning and resource management when it pertains to conventional ammunition, missiles and storage of poisonous materials and substances, including the surveillence and demilitarization, managing stockpiles, safety and awareness when it comes to explosive materails in addition to ecologically friendly measures for management and disposal of various materials and munitions.
  2. Management and allocation of US Army ammunition stockpiles.
  3. Oversight into technologies being developed that focus on ammunition, missile and ammunition management information systems.
  4. Preparation of the program objective memorandum, also known as POM, which is a list of requirements used to procure funding in the US Army’s Ammunition Management Program, and consists of research and development, procurement, distribution, storage, maintenance and demilitarization activities.

B – The Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Headquarters of the Department of the Army – DCS Directorate typically conducts the roles of the following:

  1. Verification and determination of ammunition needs, dictating priorities and synchronization of policy in conjunction with other facets of the program.
  2. Assessment of readiness on an international level, assistance to the development of funding strategies, operationalization of ammunition risk and army ammunition management integration.
  3. Coordination of ammunition related problems with staff (ARSTAF) and combatant commands (COCOMs), army service component commands (ASCCs) and Army Centers of Excellence (COEs).
  4. In conjunction with ARSTAF, implements joint ammunition management protocols and activities.
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